Date: October 2, 2023
Time: 17.00 - 18.30 WIB
Place: PB 01 EMCL Bojonegoro
Event: Lesson Learn about the Motor Vehicle Incident (MVI) incident on October 2 2023 at PKL. 04.50 WIB between Ran Patrol 3 and pedestrians on Ds. Katur Area Jelu.
- Sharing Lessons Learned from MVI incidents by drivers who experienced the incident
- Direction by Mr. Harry KD
- Direction by Yogo Wibowo - QC Coord
- Direction by Prasanto A.N - SSR
- Direction by Rudy Hutagalung - GA SBM
- Signing a commitment so that the same incident does not happen again in the future.
- Mr. Harry KD - EMCL
- Mr. Rudy Hutagalung - GA SBO
- Mr. Prasanto A.N - GA SSR
- Mr. Yogo - Quality Control Coordinator
- Mr. Marsidin - Log Coordinator
- Mr. Gita Buana - Ops Coordinator
- Mr. Bramanto D.A - Ops Support Staff SBO
- All GA Project Drivers.